Raura and Nubs

Raura and Nubs

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Nubs Chicken Piccata

Why did the chicken haul ass across the road?
Because Laura was trying to use a mallet.

The menu consists of: (the obviously stated in the above title) Chicken Piccata with roasted potatoes and sautéed asparagus

I guess the chicken was thin enough, still, I insisted on pounding the bejesus out of the thin chicken fillet anyway. It appeased me. I did learn that it is best to wrap the chicken in plastic wrap before going to town with the mallet.
Yep. We were cooking. No. Edit: Lance was cooking. I chopped the parsley. Yet, another lesson from Professor Nubster: you can sharpen knifes on ceramic mugs. Super handy!!!
Where was I? Oh yes, backtrack… cooking at The Stein house! Plenty of breakables, but we made it through with minimal damage…
How did we begin? I mean, aside from the precision parsley chopping and chicken breast mutilation. I believe there was blanching involved with fresh asparagus, as opposed to canned asparagus, which is strangely preferred by our adorable friend Gen who was accompanying us for dinner that particular evening. Potatoes came prepped with seasoning and done before hand by Lance (he is so useful), just had to pop them into the oven.
Onions check. Capers check. Cheap white wine check. Lemon semi-check. Good save on Gen’s part.
Asparagus sautéed. Butter. Everything is better with butter. Can never have enough butter. BUTTA!
Don’t ask me for the recipe. I don’t know, I swear I turned around and there was this...

Yesssss. Excellent.
You can't see them, but the roasted potatoes are nestled right underneath the chicken.

Big up to Nubs. He's got mad skills yo.